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Mbs Native Prairie Grass Mix 10#

Mbs Native Prairie Grass Mix 10#
Mbs Native Prairie Grass Mix 10#

Mbs Native Prairie Grass Mix 10#

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Item Number NGM10

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Your Price $179.99

$179.99 / EA

For a high quality native pasture for livestock or wildlife, or simply for the beauty, texture and toughness of native grasses. These grasses are native to the vast North American prairies for a reason: they work here. They are what grew wild across the area long before cultivated farms and ranch lands. Able to tolerate the harsh weather conditions, they supported the native wildlife as well as the livestock of early ranchers. So plant what worked then and still works now! Non-GMO Planting Rate: 10 lbs per
acre Planting Date: March to May, but can be planted Jan-Feb and will sit and wait until warmer temperatures to germinate. Can be planted through the summer in areas with cooler temps and adequate moisture. Planting Methods: This is a very light and ?fluffy? mix, and will not flow easily through a conventional seed drill or broadcast seeder. Mixing with sand or fertilizer will help the seed flow through the spreader, or spread by hand. Best results are obtained by spreading the seed over a well-prepared seed bed, then rolling or pressing the seed into the top 1/4 inch of soil. Care: Mowing?Allow the seedheads to turn brown and dry before mowing, in order to obtain the maximum reseeding potential. Grazing?Allow the grass to grow un-grazed for at least one year. Monitor grazing closely to ensure that the grass is not overgrazed and allowed to regrow.
