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Item Number 81729CAUE4
Your Price $25.49
*Nutritionally balanced protein-energy-vitamin-mineral feed for breeding goats used to produce top-quality show goat prospects *17% protein, 3% fat, no more than 18% crude fiber and 20-30 ppm copper *CitriStim?, an ADM proprietary feed ingredient that may favorably impact the gut microbial population Added copper for hoof integrity and immune function *Complexed (organic) zinc which is especially important for hoof integrity and immune function *Ammonium chloride and minimum 2:1 calcium to phosphorus ratio to help lessen the likelihood of urinary calculi in male goats *Natural-source vitamin E for better bioavailability compared with synthetic vitamin E and selenium yeast for more bioavailable selenium; needed for protection against oxidative tissue damage and immune system function; helps lower the likelihood of white muscle disease *Supplies thiamine to help deter polioencephalomalacia and enhance appetite *Medicated with monensin for prevention of coccidiosis *Mini-pellet