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Item Number TIREMEDY
Your Price $114.99
Remedy herbicide and specialty weed control product has been developed specifically for range and pasture, and is the most economical way to reclaim your pasture from brush encroachment and improve grass
productivity. Selective brush and mid-size tree control for fence line maintenance and pasture regeneration, RemedyTM is a low residual alternative to mechanical removal and comes with low environmental impact. For best results, apply when plants are actively growing, which typically occurs early in the summer. Apply at least 10 days prior to leaf color change in late summer. Application in late summer or in periods of dry weather when plants are not actively growing may result in unsatisfactory
control. Depending on the species and how actively the treated plants are growing, it will take couple of days for symptoms to appear and several weeks for plants to die. Grass density and speed of recovery will be effected by the density of the woody species controlled, soil type and environmental conditions. A successful application of Remedy will provide at least two years of improved grass production.